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Easy to Fit - Easy to Use - Easy to Move
The Ezy Stile is an easy attachment fence stile. It is a simple, light weight design that can be easily installed by yourself for ease of climbing over fences.
Sometimes it isn't convenient to have multiple gates or access points, or perhaps you have an old fence line on a hill that is slippery to climb on the wire? Attach your Ezy Stile on a solid fence post in a position that suits you and away you go.
It is designed with aluminum tread plate to give grip under foot to provide a safe level platform for climbing over.
Should you decide to move to another location, it is as easy as unscrewing the coach screws and moving to another spot.
Easy to Fit and Easy to Move
A few different methods you can use to install your Ezy Stile, all very simple.
You will need a 17mm socket, with either an impact gun or ratchet, or a 17mm spanner, and simply screw the 4 coach screws through the predrilled holes on the platforms into a solid fence post at your own convenient height. Level it or stagger the height, completely up to you!
(If using a spanner or ratchet, you will need to create a pilot hole first to be able to screw into)
Easy to Use
Easy for all ages, shapes and sizes
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